Baldies' Blog began originally in the UK by a 26 year old journalist with a blood cancer on a mission to inform the world about bone marrow donation.

He has since died, and I took on the cause of making cancer care more transparent for everybody.

Cancer is a disease that will touch everybody through diagnosis or affiliation: 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed and 1 in 3 woman will hear those words, "You Have Cancer."

I invite you to read how I feel along my journey and
how I am continuing to live a full life alongside my Hodgkin's lymphoma, with me controlling my cancer, not my cancer controlling me.

I hope that "Baldies' Blog" will prepare you to handle whatever life sends you, but especially if it's the message, "You Have Cancer."

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Take Action

Attention NH Advocates: I'm trying to coordinate a carpool from Claremont to testify Thursday the 13th to protect The Affordable Care Act, which protects me from exceeding a maximum insurance cost and having to stop treatment. If anybody would like to join us please email at

Speaking points and assistance with testimonials will be provided by contacted Zandra, via email found below.

Here is some general information on the bill.

When: Thursday, January 13th at 1:00 PM

Who:  State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee

Where: Legislative Office Building - Room 203, 33 North State Street, Concord

HB 89 seeks to direct the New Hampshire Attorney General to join the Florida lawsuit challenging the legality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (The bill also seeks to direct the AG to challenge the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's cap and trade program requirements.)

To date, 14 of 15 court decision have upheld the constitutionality of the new health law, which provides benefits to New Hampshire families and small businesses. 

HB 89, itself, is unconstitutional in design. However, opponents will use this bill to promote their message through the media and as part of the national dialogue - especially with the U.S. House of Representatives' vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) scheduled for one day before this bill is heard in New Hampshire. 

Take Action!

While there are other pending bills that will address the new health law, HB 89 is the first to be scheduled for a public hearing and will no doubt draw media attention and speculation. NH Voices for Health and other allies can use this opportunity to highlight the many ways the Affordable Care Act is helping Granite Staters. Help us educate legislators, reporters and the general public of the importance of the new health law in New Hampshire and the strong support for it.  Please join us in demonstrating strong support for the Affordable Care Act.

1.   Testify. We need personal stories to highlight the immediate and needed benefits of the Affordable Care Act. NH Voices for Health can provide a one-on-one training on how to testify at the State House and share sample talking points and tips to help you prepare your 2-3 minute oral testimony.

2.   Sign-In. In addition to oral testimony, we hope to show broad and deep support with a strong showing of people signing in opposition to the bill during the committee hearing. This requires only attending the hearing and signing the official form posted in the committee room.

If you or one of your members can participate in either of these activities on Thursday, January 13th at 1:00 PM, please email or call (603) 225-2471. It is very helpful for us to know how much support we have in the room, and to coordinate testimony as appropriate.

If you are unable to attend this Thursday but would be willing to participate in a future hearing, please submit your personal story to the email above. 

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