Baldies' Blog began originally in the UK by a 26 year old journalist with a blood cancer on a mission to inform the world about bone marrow donation.

He has since died, and I took on the cause of making cancer care more transparent for everybody.

Cancer is a disease that will touch everybody through diagnosis or affiliation: 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed and 1 in 3 woman will hear those words, "You Have Cancer."

I invite you to read how I feel along my journey and
how I am continuing to live a full life alongside my Hodgkin's lymphoma, with me controlling my cancer, not my cancer controlling me.

I hope that "Baldies' Blog" will prepare you to handle whatever life sends you, but especially if it's the message, "You Have Cancer."

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Monday, December 7, 2009

my favorite color is sparkle

Okay, I know some of you out there may disagree, and say that in fact, no, sparkle is not a color. I’m here to tell you it is, at least it is in New York. It comes  in all sorts of shades and variety in different intensities seen every wear from the Rockefellar Christmas Tree to Handbags and Earrings. Sparkle is definitely a color.It’s Brynn’s new favorite. Maybe NYC was not what the doctor ordered.I think that’s a little beyond there spefications and scope of practice, but if they knew what I know, they’d be prescribing it all over. In-vitro fertilization vacations are proven to be 48% more effective in achieving conception than when couples try to conceive during the hum drum of daily life. It’s only a matter of time before health care recognizes this as a universal rule and begins to turn far away hospital stays into vacations. Boston's brigham and womens has their pavilian. The Klinik Im Alpenpak all ready has upped the ante on his trend.The hotel, which houses a spa, professional chefs, and an olympic size pool, collaborates with health care professionals. You are “prescribed” certain activities of daily living to compliment your therapy. Cure rates are inceased, but those who are not cured report an improved quality of life. What’s this mean? It means they’re probably dying, but they’re having fun doing it. They're lyinh in the gutter but staring at the stars. So who would prescribe this for me? That would be two loving parents who hooked me up with one fabulous trip to NYC for Christmas. Thanks mom and dad.We all know that I have never been as happy and alive as when I was  in college and knew for a fact that the world was mine. Now going back to NYC during Christmas poses a challenge, because as much as I like running around Saks and Macy’s to check out the windows, shopping on Canal and checking out the shows, I’m really there to see my friends for the holidays. And our families just keep growing and expanding. It’s like going home.


brynn said...

and i appreciate the trip too! i had so much fun! :) and sparkle is for sure a color!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed yourself Hill ... & hope you continue to prescribe some fun for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Sparkle is most definately a color!!!!! It was great seeing you, your parents and brynn (and the CNR crew) :D

Miss you and love you!


Tubal Reversal said...

information well and good ... I like your way of thinking about colors.
Thanks for sharing