Baldies' Blog began originally in the UK by a 26 year old journalist with a blood cancer on a mission to inform the world about bone marrow donation.

He has since died, and I took on the cause of making cancer care more transparent for everybody.

Cancer is a disease that will touch everybody through diagnosis or affiliation: 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed and 1 in 3 woman will hear those words, "You Have Cancer."

I invite you to read how I feel along my journey and
how I am continuing to live a full life alongside my Hodgkin's lymphoma, with me controlling my cancer, not my cancer controlling me.

I hope that "Baldies' Blog" will prepare you to handle whatever life sends you, but especially if it's the message, "You Have Cancer."

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Friday, January 27, 2012

View from colum-pres. Hospital room

I will only be updating my blog due my severe illness. Nothing personal. My room only has me in it for the moment. Here is the view. Mom (nancy) is coming today. She is staying with J and X at the Marriot in New rochelle, 5 to 10 miles from here. I went to college in New Rochelle. We have vacationed here in happy times. I hope my freinds with kids X's age and good memories will help the anxiety. Vic (dAd who drove me down for my appt. Mon. With super brave explorer Denis B.) Has been at vigil, staying at a HoJo's near yankee stadium (the scary hood) to be close via cab. The fam is all moving to The marriot suite in westchester, which is easy and convenient with one bed (king?), A pull out bed, kitchenette. We use marriot points, a discount code, but $$ is daunting. The marriot was where j and I would stay when we were courting. There are restuarants galore, glow bowling, an arcade, Whatever gives the fam piece of mind. Hopefully, my health will give that piece. Fr. Stan is saying a special bereaverary mass for me today. Pray for my health, my strength and survival so I may continue to recover and do the important work, exposing health care flaws, offering cost-effective options to improve it by looking outside the box. The good days are coming. My family and I just need a lot of love and support now. You can contact me here via comments. I love you all for the support. I'm being carried by your strength and that's a boundless blessing.


Anonymous said...

always thinking of you hillary... and the family. please all of you let me know if there is anything i can do to help. shawna and i want to come visit but will wait until you give us the heads up when ur up to it... im praying and sending you my love dear friend xoxoxox u are a strong woman with a very strong family...

michelle springer
you know my number call me anytime

Anonymous said...

You don't know me Hillary, but your story touches me deeply. I just recently discovered your blog. I was a long time follower of the original Baldy's Blog and still can't believe our Adrian is gone. I found your blog when i wandered back into his the other day.

I just want to say I admire your strenth enormously and my prayers go out to you and your family for healing and courage and strength. You're clearly an amazing woman Hillary. May God bless you richly with peace and good health!


Connie said...

Thinking of you Hillary and admiring your determination to keep on advocating for all of us who may (statistically likely will) have to deal with the hassles of the health care system for a catastrophic illness.

Anonymous said...

Hillary, my family and I pray for you and hope you will recover soon. Last April, you wrote about healing by laying on of hands. Maybe you also know of Reiki. If you'd like to receive some distance/remote reiki, a friend of mine is reiki master and she and I would gladly send energy your way - which you later always can turn down again. But of course, we won't without your ok.
For now, you and your family are in our prayers. Keep fighting, you are of stronger material than all the germs and diseases that plague you. Show them who is the boss! Love, Barbara G

Anonymous said...

Hello there Hillary...I'm another unknown supporter. You touch so many peoples lives and I wanted to thank you for all the work you're doing regarding the health care system of this country. Your tenacity, drive and faith is admired by a number of are indeed an amazing woman!'ve got them for you and your family.