I got my new photo-voltaic solar electric system hitched up yesterday and I was producing electricity today!!!
I always start out with good news but really had to stretch for some today.
Hillary had chemo on Monday. She had spiked a fever and has pneumonia by Wednesday night. She is back in Dartmouth. She is in a lot of pain. She is starting to really wear her body out. She now has chemo brain. She can't remember stuff and repeats herself. She feel nauseas often. They have poked and prodded her with all kinds of tests. The medi-port line area in her chest looked to be red and swollen.
Today was a scary day!! She was looking better but we can all tell she did not have that strong Iron-will we are so used to. It seemed like the morphine wasn't even working. Nancy stayed with her all day. When Jon, Xander and I got there she told us she still wants to go the Fair this weekend.
Wow. I don't see that happening but she has surprised me before.We just hope the pain goes away and she can recover. Vic, Nancy, Patrick & Grace, Allen, Pierce, ( Preston soon) Heather, Jon, Xander and especially Hillary
keeping her (and all of you) in my thoughts and prayers. I have never met Hillary personally, but she is the toughest mom, daughter, sister etc..I "know"! She is going to continue to fight and we are all going to continue to pray! ~ love to all of you, Amy Bernard Osgood
From a fellow cancer blogger ... hoping and praying for a strong recovery.
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